Tuesday, September 19, 2006

summer is gone

Summer ´o6 is part of history. Cold and rain will come. Music has to reflect this (or is it just the other way round: weather reflects chosen playlists?).

To start with one of the few really unique bands that become wellknown in the 90s and that I really like: the Lemonheads. Their mix of rock, folk and (in their early years) punk has often been very nice to listen. I remember BBC-Radio in the 90s broadcasting a Lemonheads-concert on a sunday about 09.00 in the morning - and I remember that this has been beautyful: listen to Evan Dando and his band for 1,5 hours lazy in bed (a German radio station is far from broadcasting that stuff - except very few the German radio is really boaring - if you are older than 12 years!). And the Lemonheads quite often developed their tunes in the oldfashioned 3-and-a-half-minutes-way. I like it. In 1996 the band disappeared and it took 10 years to spend their money for drugs, cars, fashion, women (okay okay I know: this is a stereotype) so that they reunited this year. But because this is a winter-playlist here is the song that fits best.

Fade to black

It is a clear MUST in this playlist to upload one of the most brilliant artists of the last century: Lou Reed. As most of the others I confess that I really love the "early Reed" more than the late one - and what can be earlier than the Velvet Underground, founded in 1965 in New York. Huuh, I think there is nothing to say about VU - they´ve been extraextraordinary! THE musical expression of Andy Warhols "factory" (this should be a story of its own, right?)

And then there is Christa Päffgen or Nico. what a 60s career: model, actress, musician, artist, drug-consumer, love-affairs with some of the hot shots and so on and so on. Her style of singing is quite strange (I don´t know whether it´s fair to call it "singing") and that DARK so that her label in 1974 pushed the album THE END with the following words: "why commit suicide when you can listen to this album?". Yep - strange world. Here is "sunday morning" from VU together with Nico.

Sunday morning

When B. B. King mentioned him to be"the best white guitar-player", whom did he talk about ? Right, it was Peter Green, Mastermind from several bands in the 60´s, amongst them most wellknown maybe Fleetwood Mac. In the 70´s he got mad and experimented heavily with drugs and religion (what a combination, huh?) before he had several comebacks on somehow smaller level.

Totally different in its personality was another great guitarist in these years - only interested in guitar-playing and Guiness-drinking. And he has been very good in both disciplines: Rory Gallagher. In Germany he got famous in 1977 when he performed in the "WDR Rockpalast Night" in the Gruga-Halle in Essen. Here is tune from both of them, Peter Green and Rory Gallagher together playing "leaving town", a song that represents much more Rory Gallagher than Peter Green, I think

Leaving town

Before we get too oldfashioned we should finish this playlist - but before I have to put my favourite song from the Doors here. 3 minutes of simple and straight rock´n´roll. I was never devoted to the Doors THAT much, I never thought Jim Morrison to be the godfather of whatever (even more I was a bit sceptic about this "Personenkult"), but this song in any case is a grand tune

Peace Frog

No - stop - one more thing I´d like to say. A bit strange. When I´ve been in Frankfurt yesterday I met some old friends and we finished the night in a Whiskeybar. To be honest: I don´t like whiskey very much, but the other ones do. So while chatting over the spirits we came to a kind of common experience from the 70´s with Patti Smith. Okay, we all like(d) the music of this punk goddess , but we all were FASCINATED from the "Easter"-cover. I didn´t expect this - I thought I would have been the only one -; but okay. Here you see what we all remember.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice to read - well done